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Ethics- 50/50 – Statement of Ethics

May 5, 2020

Statement of Ethics

As a member of the Society of Gynecologic Oncology, I pledge to adhere to the following Principles of Ethical Conduct and Practice.

  1. To uphold the welfare of the patient as paramount.
  2. To care for our patients with the utmost care, compassion, honesty, and respect throughout the course of their disease, including the end of life.
  3. To develop and maintain my education, skills and competence in caring for women with gynecologic malignancies throughout my career.
  4. To treat colleagues and coworkers with dignity, respect, and compassion, regardless of race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity in my clinical practice as well as within the Society of Gynecologic Oncology.
  5. To uphold my profession with honesty and integrity, and to report impaired, dishonest, or unprofessional colleagues.
  1. To advocate for advancing the care of women with gynecologic malignancies with patients, families, the public, community, and legislators.
  2. To advocate for the highest standards of research in gynecologic oncology, promote the science of gynecologic oncology, and expose any instance of research misconduct whenever I become aware of it.
  3. To minimize conflicts of interest in my practice with payors, institutions, pharmaceutical companies, device companies, and referral sources and to accurately disclose conflicts of interest where relevant.
  4. To minimize financial conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment relevant to the Society of Gynecologic Oncology as required for leadership and committee participation, and during my presentations for continuing medical education events.
  5. To provide honest evaluation and testimony about the standard of medical care of a gynecologic oncology patient when asked as part of a peer review, root cause analysis, quality assurance or medical malpractice action.