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Servicing Our Members: SGO Operations, Industry Relations and Business Development

Member Update
Aug 4, 2021
Meet the Operations Team 
Ellen J. Sullivan, MS, MSJ, CAE – Chief Operations Officer
Dawn Browning – Executive Assistant and Operations Manager
Amy Ferrell – Staff Accountant
The Operations Department supports SGO staff in executing all major projects and keeps SGO moving forward. It manages internal processes, oversight of Human Resources, Information Technology and office administration. The accounting and finance management enables budgetary goals to be maintained and accomplished, while also keeping the checks and balances in place for SGO and its staff to provide its members with successful events and meaningful content.
Meet the Industry Relations and Business Development Team
Teri Jordan, CAE, CMP – Chief Industry Relations and Business Development Officer
Gail O’Hara, MBA – Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
The Industry Relations and Business Development team builds and secures partnerships and support for SGO and FWC programs through a keen understanding and alignment of their missions and strategic plans with those of industry, corporate, foundation partners. This team oversees the SGO Industry Corporate Council and manages these relationships to ensure consistent delivery of service and enhanced understanding of objectives. They represent SGO and FWC in strategy and planning meetings with partners in formal and informal settings and design and sell exhibit and sponsorship opportunities for SGO and FWC programs and events. Industry partners’ outstanding and ongoing support of SGO meetings and other education allows this team to deliver unique and valuable resources to SGO members. Partner support of FWC programs continues to expand existing resources and outreach to the larger audience of patients, families and caregivers. These important strategic relationships also drive new programs and products to better serve SGO’s and FWC’s mutual audiences.