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Servicing Our Members: SGO Marketing, Communications and Membership

Aug 18, 2021
Meet the Marketing, Communications and Membership Team

Robyn Kurth, MS – Director of Marketing, Communications and Membership
Mary Crylen – Communications Manager
Taylor Shufford – Marketing Manager
Jennifer Zoleta – Senior Graphic Designer
Erin Marks, MA – Membership Manager


The Marketing, Communications and Membership Department keeps SGO members and other audiences informed about events, products and initiatives from the Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC). Marketing and Communications regularly manages email blasts, newsletters, website updates, graphic design projects and social media posts for SGO and FWC, as well as photography and video production on an as-needed basis. The Membership department manages member accounts, dues payment and renewal, membership applications, SGO Store, online member communities, updates to the membership directory (including title and address changes) and maintaining the Seek a Specialist portal for both websites. Membership services also include access to the SGO Career Center and Gynecologic Oncology journal. General inquiries can be directed to communications@sgo.org for Marketing and Communications and membership@sgo.org for Membership.