Holly Gibout
Chief Development Officer
Holly Gibout joined the Foundation for Women’s Cancer as Chief Development Officer in November 2022.
From May 2019 – November 2022, Holly served as Vice President of Philanthropy for the University of Saint Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary achieving the highest fundraising year in the Seminary’s history during the Seminary’s Centennial from 2021 – 2022.
Previously, Holly served for 18 years as Vice President of Philanthropy and in other leadership roles at Northwestern Memorial Foundation. She provided leadership in the areas of major gift fundraising and planned giving for Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Northwestern Medicine’s Lake Forest Hospital, leading the team in charge of the $75 million campaign for the new Lake Forest Hospital which opened in 2018. Holly also worked in Chicago eight years for the American Bar Association as a Director and Manager in Meetings and Travel. Her responsibilities included directing their Board events and managing the ABA’s national and international meetings.
A graduate of Vanderbilt University, Holly is a past-president and former Board member of the Chicago Council on Planned Giving (CCPG), Chair of the CCPG Awards Committee since 2017, and an elected member of Women in Development Professions.