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Data/Publication Information

SGO Policy
Jul 29, 2021

Data/Publication Information
Data Analysis: Data would be shared via an excel spreadsheet, and researchers would be responsible for culling data. SGO would not be held responsible to “double check” and/or hire a statistician to do statistical work for authors/projects.

Manuscript development: SGO is not responsible for outcome and content of analysis of COR data. Manuscripts will go through peer-reviewed processes when submitting to journals/meetings.

Validation/Disclaimer Statement: In addition, the authors will acknowledge in all reports that the source of the data is the participating hospital(s) that submitted data to the SGO and will include the following disclosure on any presentation or published material: “The Society of Gynecologic Oncology and the hospitals participating in the SGO COR are the source of the data used herein; they have not verified and are not responsible for the statistical validity of the data analysis or the conclusions derived by the authors.”

High volume participant sites would be included for authorship, as similar to GOG, up to 6 authors.

Any questions, please contact SGO Staff Liaison, Jessica Oldham at jessica.oldham@sgo.org