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Our mission is to foster greater diversity, equity, inclusion and accountability within SGO, Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC) and the larger health care community to improve health outcomes for all patients. These efforts are led by the SGO DIHE committee.

Goals and Strategies

Attract, diversify and develop future generations of health care professionals and stakeholders who treat and care for gynecologic cancer patients.

SGO will accomplish this goal by developing new policies and curricula, providing implicit bias training to the Board and mentoring to SGO members, amplifying member voices and exploring a rebrand for corporate and event names to be more inclusive.


Increase diversity within membership, volunteer leadership roles and staff.

SGO will accomplish this goal by integrating the DI&HE policy to the hiring, Board election and committee appointment processes; provide resources for education, awareness, collaboration and career development that promotes diversity of thought and creates connections between diverse groups; and monitoring and upholding anti-harassment and anti-discrimination policies.


Identify and support research and education aimed at improving health outcomes for diverse patient populations.

SGO will accomplish this goal by work to eliminate inequities in women’s and transgender/gender non-conforming patient care; promoting antiracist publications, platforms and research; coordinate with and amplify advocacy organizations and members supporting communities of color; provide and share education and resources dedicated to improving care of diverse patient populations, uplifting diverse voices in gynecologic oncology and giving patients access to clinical trials and increasing trust and involvement from diverse populations. Read our goals and strategies in depth by downloading the PDF.


As a home for over 2,700 global members from every part of gynecologic cancer care, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) is growing increasingly diverse. Through our strategic goals, we aim to develop policies designed to foster diversity, inclusion, health equity, and justice. Respectful language is a powerful driver of inclusive behaviors and mindsets and creates a sense of belonging among an increasingly diverse membership. Furthermore, use of inclusive and respectful language is an important strategy to mitigate biases and microaggressions that plague medical practice.

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Diversity, Inclusion & Health Equity Committee

Navya Nair, MD, MPH, Chair
Joyce Barlin, MD, Vice Chair
Lindsey Beffa, MD
Kristin Black, MD
Leslie Boyd, MD
Marta Crispens, MD
Jasmine Ebott, MD
Lindsay Ferguson, MD, MS
Rafael Gonzalez, MD
Jennifer Gordon, MD
Karina Hew, MD
Jeffrey Hines, MD
Dandi Huang, MD
Sara Isani, MD
Symmes Johnson, MD
Tanvi Joshi, MD
Rebeca Kelly, MD
Namita Khanna, MD

Lindsay Kuroki, MD
Lisa Landrum, MD, PhD
Olivia Lara, MD, MS
Margaret Liotta, DO
Shannon MacLaughlan, MD, MS
Benjamin Margolis, MD
Sara Moufarrij, MD
Lakeisha Mulugeta-Gordon, MD
Nancy Nguyen, MD
Paulina Ramirez, MD
Evelyn Reynolds, MD
Tori Rockwell, MPA
Dario Roque, MD
Marina Stasenko, MD
Eugene Toy, MD
Kristy Ward, MD
Nancy Zhou, MD
John Farley, MD, Board Liaison
Enishia Valentine-Davis, MPA, Staff Liaison

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