Patient Advocate Wendy Ericsson at the 2018 National Race to End Women’s Cancer.
SGO regrets to announce the July 27 passing of Wendy Ericsson, 60, an advocate and fierce champion of the Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC), due to complications from recurrent uterine cancer. As we collectively mourn her loss, we wanted to take a few moments to highlight her tremendous contributions to the Foundation and its signature event, the National Race to End Women’s Cancer.
Wendy was first introduced to the Foundation through her attendance at a Gynecologic Cancer Education Course that left a positive imprint and a desire to support FWC in different ways. She learned about the Foundation’s signature event, the National Race to End Women’s Cancer, and made her first appearance in 2014.
Since 2014, Wendy Ericsson has been a true champion of FWC through her invaluable contributions supporting the race.
Through her team, Wendy’s Warriors, a total of over $100,000 was raised to advance the Foundation’s mission-based programs. Her team was recognized in the top five race fundraisers since 2015, and was the top fundraising team for the last two years, raising $28,697 in 2018 and close to $30,000 in 2019.
Since, 2017, Wendy served in a volunteer leadership capacity as co-chair of the race for two consecutive years, having assumed the chairperson role in 2019. In addition to her efforts supporting FWC and the National Race to End Women’s Cancer, Wendy also was appointed to serve as a Patient Advocate for NRG Oncology to provide insights into clinical trial availability to help foster enrollment and participation.
In 2020, Wendy was the recipient of the FWC Karen J. Carlson Public Service Award as a way to recognize her contributions and selfless service on behalf of FWC.
As her team name implies, Wendy was truly a “warrior,” who confronted her journey with uterine cancer with bravery and courage at every step during the process. While in the midst of her own treatment and recovery, she managed to summon the will and passion to inspire others through national advocacy, fundraising and grassroots mobilization. She will be missed by many.
According to her official obituary, contributions in memory of Wendy may be made to The Foundation for Women’s Cancer, Wendy’s Warriors at https://runsignup.com/wendys-warriors or, via mail, to 230 W Monroe, Suite 710, Chicago IL 60606, noting that the donation should be directed toward her team’s effort.
“Our Warrior was a force for good in her challenge to FWC/SGO healthcare professionals, supporting sponsor companies and her local supporters to all be, in her words, HOPEMAKERS (her signature term),” said George Ericsson, Wendy’s husband of 35 years. “She backed up that challenge with a tremendous amount of passion and effort. She supported the FWC and SGO until the very end.”