Cornelius O. “Skip” Granai, MD
An SGO member since 1987, Cornelius O. “Skip” Granai, MD, Director of Women’s Oncology and Professor of OB/GYN at Women & Infants Hospital/Brown University in Providence, RI, died after a long bout with cancer on June 28 at the age of 71. The following tribute was written by his colleagues at Women & Infants.
Cornelius O. “Skip” Granai, MD, founder of the Program in Women’s Oncology and a member of the Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island family for over 30 years, passed away peacefully at home, June 28, 2020, surrounded by his loved ones.
Dr. Granai was many things to many people. He was a poet, humanitarian, speaker, physician, leader and most of all, friend. His contributions to humanism in medicine forced many of us to not only think about the science of medicine, but also the art. He was world renowned for his lectures, sharply deviating from what would be the old standard of objective details, and pushing those in attendance to consider strongly the emotions they encountered not only in treating patients, but in their daily lives.
He firmly believed that cancer care for women should encompass both breast and gynecologic cancer, a concept that was unique and required breaking down existing structures, and which ultimately proved the model for many other institutions. His concept of complementary care was once novel in the cancer care world, but now emulated by most, if not all, of the leading cancer care institutions. He was also an educator and a mentor. His legacy remains in the fellows, residents and students he trained.
For those interested in donating to his legacy, the Lectureship in Honor of Skip Granai fund can be accessed through the Women & Infants Development Foundation website (foundation.womenandinfants.org and select “designation” Lectureship Fund in honor of Skip Granai). This fund was established last year to endow a lectureship in Humanism in Medicine, challenging us all to think about What Matters Matter, not only in medicine, but in life.
Dr. Granai’s official obituary on Legacy.com is available online.