SGO Member of the Month (November 2023): Victoria Bae-Jump, MD, PhD
In preparation for the SGO 2024 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer—The Power of Shared Purpose—the Society of Gynecologic Oncology is pleased to announce the November 2023 SGO Member of the Month: Victoria Bae-Jump, MD, PhD, Professor of Gynecologic Oncology, Director of UNC Lineberger Endometrial Cancer Center of Excellence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Dr. Bae-Jump was nominated by Leslie Clark, MD, for demonstrating excellence in one (or more) of the following areas:

Victoria Bae-Jump, MD, PhD
Patient Care
Overcoming Obstacles
Strategic Leadership
“Dr. Bae-Jump is the total package,” Dr. Clark said in her nomination form. “She is a dedicated physician to each of her patients. She is a uniter. She has a kind and inclusive presence and makes sure every voice is heard. She is a research powerhouse. She conducts basic science, translational research, and clinical trials. She not only brings her own scientific ideas to the table, but she also helps mentor and moves other’s research forward. She has partnered with local survivors for the ‘She Rocks’ program and raised money to help with gynecologic cancer research in North Carolina.
“Her skills have led her to be the Director for the Lineberger Endometrial Cancer Center for Excellence and elevate the care of the women of North Carolina,” Dr. Clark added. “She continues to place equitable care at the center of her mission using her research expertise to evaluate disparities in uterine cancer prospectively with the Carolina Endometrial Cancer Study and her work in evaluating the microbiome.”
Fun Facts about Victoria Bae-Jump:
· She loves Jimmy Buffett.
· She has twins.
· She is an amazing coworker, mentor, and friend.
“I am honored to work with such amazing co-workers, fellows and collaborators at UNC, who inspire me every day with their talents, dedication and passion for our specialty,” said Dr. Bae-Jump. “This year has been sad with the loss of the one and only Dr. Wendy Brewster, but I was touched by all the support our division had for one another. UNC is a really special place to work, and our division feels so much like a family.”
If you have a shout-out to share for a future SGO Member of the Month, please fill out a nomination form. All nominations will be reviewed by the SGO Membership Committee. Now through the SGO 2024 Annual Meeting, SGO will recognize Members of the Month through online channels, as well as break slides during the SGO Annual Meeting in San Diego on March 16-18, 2024.