Mark H. Einstein, MD, MS
The SGO 2024 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer – The Power of Shared Purpose – is this month! In preparation for the SGO Annual Meeting, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology congratulates the March 2024 SGO Member of the Month: Mark H. Einstein, MD, MS, Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Health, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ.
Dr. Einstein was nominated by Erin Medlin, MD, for demonstrating excellence in one (or more) of the following areas:
Patient Care
Overcoming Obstacles
Strategic Leadership
“Dr. Einstein has served SGO in various capacities over the years, and he is currently serving as vice chair of the Communications Committee,” said Dr. Medlin in her nomination form. “Dr. Einstein brings his depth of knowledge from his various leadership roles to this position and provides valuable perspective to unique situations. He leads global initiatives regarding cervical cancer treatment and eradication that deserve recognition. He has been an amazing mentor and colleague!”
Fun Fact about Mark Einstein:
Loves to vacation on the Jersey Shore!
“I am honored and humbled to receive this award from a society whose members strive to improve the outcomes of our patients everyday,” said Dr. Einstein. “SGO members commit themselves to going out of their way for their patients—not only figuring out how to best serve the patient that is across their consultation desk or in a hospital bed or on the operating room table, but also to see and commiserate with their struggle in their cancer journey and use it to strive to improve outcomes for others who suffer from gynecologic cancers.”
“By interacting with the whole team of providers to provide a blanket of care for their patients, and working with, or as, scientists to discover new ways to fight some of our more aggressive cancers, Society of Gynecologic Oncology members embody ‘the Power of Shared Purpose’. I am humbled to be surrounded by such incredible health advocates, providers, and thought leaders and honored to be recognized by them.”
Starting in the fall of 2023, SGO recognized members of the month through online channels, and will also feature them on break slides during the SGO Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer in San Diego on March 16-18, 2024.