SGO Board of Directors Nomination, Application, and Election Process
In accordance with SGO bylaws and policy, the SGO Nominating, Honors and Awards Committee held an open call for nominations and applications for positions on the Board of Directors from August 26-September 30, 2024. There are eight positions available this year, including new positions for an international member and a non-gynecologic oncologist. All eligible individuals could self-nominate or be nominated by others and submit an application.
To promote transparency, fairness, diversity and inclusiveness and maintain the highest standards of credibility and professionalism we are sharing the selection process for candidates. Nominating, Honors and Awards Committee members may not apply for office while serving on the committee. The SGO professional staff review the nominees to confirm eligibility. The committee considers the qualifications of all nominees and utilizes an objective rubric for ranking as indicated. The Chair and co-Chair of the committee do not rank or vote for nominees during the candidate selection process. We have instituted a new process of disclosure this year to further enhance transparency and fairness. All committee members fully disclosed any potential conflicts of interest with nominees and recused themselves from the candidate selection process if needed. This included recusal from the review, rank assessment, discussion, and vote for the respective nominee(s). As per the current SGO Policy only two candidates may be listed for the President Elect-II position.
A recommended slate of candidates was presented to the SGO Board of Directors for approval. The list of candidates approved by the Board will be presented to the voting membership for electronic vote. This list is kept confidential until the election process begins. The SGO Board of Directors election will be held November 22-11:59am CT December 23, 2024. The ballot submitted to members for voting will present candidates for each open position the member is eligible to vote for. All eligible voting members are encouraged to participate.
Please be on the lookout for further information. Should you have any questions please contact Traci Schwendner, Senior Manager of Governance.