SGO Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy | Nefertiti duPont, MD, MPH

Nefertiti duPont, MD, MPH
As gynecologic oncologists we are held in high esteem by our departments and hospitals. We make decisions every day that impact our patients and their families’ well-being. We know to be kind, courteous and respectful to others. We know to avoid harassing and discriminatory behaviors. We know what is expected of us and we have all seen what happens when professionals and leaders behave badly.
I have had the pleasure of leading the SGO Ethics Committee in their work on this topic in conjunction with the Diversity and Inclusion Task Force led by Eloise Chapman-Davis, MD. These committees have done an outstanding job creating an Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination Policy that serves as a guide and reminder of the professional and personal responsibilities that we have to our patients, our colleagues and our trainees. This policy outlines what is expected of us during our national meetings and in our interactions with each other as members of SGO. SGO maintains a zero tolerance policy for discriminatory or harassing behaviors.
Hopefully, we will be able to meet as an organization next year but until then I trust that you will continue to be the leaders and heroes that our world needs right now.