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SGO 2020 Annual Meeting Coronavirus Update

News Releases
Mar 9, 2020

Ellen Sullivan
SGO Chief Communications and Membership Officer


In light of the global emergency of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, the Society of Gynecologic Oncology will not conduct its 2020 Annual Meeting on Women’s Cancer, March 28-31, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The health and safety of meeting attendees and the patients in their care is our utmost concern. In recent weeks, countries and institutions have imposed travel bans that prevent attendance by a significant number of attendees, including meeting faculty and SGO leadership, making it impossible to conduct the meeting at this time.

SGO is exploring alternatives for delivering the science and education. Please watch for email notifications and updates on the sgoannualmeeting.org and sgo.org websites.

We understand this decision raises several questions. We will be updating answers to your questions at MEETING UPDATE FAQS as information becomes available.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

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