SGO membership brings together over 2,000 health care professionals and women’s health advocates dedicated to prevent and treat gynecologic cancers, raising the standards of practice and advancing patient care. Help SGO continue these efforts by renewing your membership and benefit from the interdisciplinary collaboration, connection and resources SGO has to offer. To better serve SGO members, the Society will be launching a new portal on Oct. 21 that will enable easier navigation with a mobile-friendly interface. The portal will allow members to easily update contact information and manage dues orders, payments and receipts. In addition, the member directory will be easily searchable.
Membership benefits include but are not limited to access to education material in SGO ConnectEd, discounted rates to educational SGO meetings and networking opportunities. Additionally, SGO members enjoy complimentary (for full members) and discounted (associate, trainee and senior members) subscriptions to our journal Gynecologic Oncology and Gynecologic Oncology Reports.
SGO will encourage current members to renew membership on this new member portal and looks forward to another year filled with impactful SGO activities. Active members will receive further information on next steps and the member portal launch. During this transition, SGO may experience a possible delay in order processing and possible limited availability of the member portal over the next week.