Join The Atlantic’s People v. Cancer Summit Featuring FWC Chair, Ginger J. Gardner, MD

FWC Chair, Ginger J. Gardner, MD
The Atlantic is hosting a People vs. Cancer Summit on Nov. 16, 2021, to explore the latest science and the important ways in which prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and well-being are interrelated. The Summit will strive to answer the question: What is the future of cancer care? What can be done to improve lives for all—along the entire spectrum of care?
Foundation for Women’s Cancer (FWC) Chair, Ginger J. Gardner, MD, from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York, NY, will be joining Jhanelle Gray, from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, FL to discuss how historically marginalized communities, such as black and brown women as well as those in rural areas, have been underrepresented in screening and early detection efforts and how this impacts outcomes.
“It is an honor to be invited to speak at this year’s People v. Cancer event about the very important topic of disparities among different populations,” said Dr. Gardner. “With the advances on the horizon of gynecologic cancer care, it is critical that nobody is left behind and that all people impacted by these cancers have access to the resources they need.”
The topic of this panel underscores the importance of the Foundation’s efforts with Move the Message to drive access to education materials among historically marginalized communities.
To join the summit, click here to register. And please continue to #MoveTheMessage by sharing these resources with patients and posting the #MoveTheMessage link on your social channels.