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Gynecologic Oncology Podcast on the Future of the Gyn Onc Subspecialty

News Article
Mar 11, 2021

In this new, Special Edition of the Gynecologic Oncology video podcast, The Future of Gynecologic Oncology: We are at a Crossroads, David E. Cohn, MD, MBA, President of the SGO and Deputy Editor of Gynecologic Oncology, and Warner K. Huh, MD, Immediate Past-President of the SGO, engage in a lively discussion about Dr. Huh’s vision for the SGO and gynecologic oncology as a subspecialty. Initially envisioned as part of Dr. Huh’s Presidential Address for the SGO 2020 Annual Meeting in Toronto, this podcast puts the events of the past year in perspective, while remaining focused on the long-term future of gynecologic oncology.