2022 Fly in Day: SGO Advocates Call for Clinical Trial Diversity and Relief from Medicare Cuts
During the 6th annual Fly in Day, SGO volunteers virtually flocked to Capitol Hill on September 28 to speak with Members of Congress and their staff about issues of concern to the gynecologic oncology care team and patients. By design, SGO’s annual Fly in Day coincides with Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month. It is an opportunity to educate the nation’s leaders about the public health burden of gynecologic cancers and advocate for policy solutions to improve outcomes.
This year, over 40 SGO ambassadors and patient advocates met with 68 Congressional offices in target districts on both sides of the aisle.
SGO had two main asks for lawmakers:
- Avert Medicare physician pay cuts
- Increase diversity in clinical trials by reducing barriers to trial enrollment
Medicare Physician Pay Cuts
First, without Congressional action before January 1, 2023, SGO members who treat Medicare patients face an 8.42% cut to reimbursement – 4% from the once-delayed Pay-As-You-Go (PAYGO) sequestration cut and 4.42% from the reduction to the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule conversion factor.
Medicare physician payments have stagnated for the last two decades, failing to keep pace with practice costs and physician services delivered outside of the office. According to the American Medical Association analysis of Medicare Trustees data, payment has been reduced by 20% when adjusted for inflation from 2001-2021. Advocates educated Congressional staff about the downstream effects that such gross underpayment has on patient access to timely screening, diagnosis, and care.
“The Medicare payment cuts scheduled for January 1, 2023, will have a major impact on our membership and the patients we serve,” said Ryan Spencer, MD, MS, Co-Chair of SGO’s Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Subcommittee. “We are concerned that this will result in clinical staff cuts and a reduction in services that will most likely impact those already in the most underserved areas.”
Many Congressional offices were already aware of the Supporting Medicare Providers Act of 2022 (H.R. 8800), a bill introduced by Representatives Ami Bera (D-CA) and Larry Bucshon (R-IN), which addresses the 4.42% conversion factor cut. As a result of SGO’s advocacy, other offices agreed to discuss the issue and consider additional legislation to eliminate the 4% PAYGO reduction.
“SGO Fly in Day is key to working towards both short-term solutions and long-term policy to prevent devastating cuts like this in the future. The relationships we build with Members of Congress and their staff are foundational to these efforts,” said Dr. Spencer.
DIVERSE Trials Act
Secondly, amidst continued disparities in morbidity and mortality, particularly in endometrial and cervical cancer, SGO advocates asked Congressional offices to support legislation to increase the diversity of clinical trial participation. The bipartisan, bicameral Diversifying Investigations Via Equitable Research Studies for Everyone (DIVERSE) Trials Act (S. 2706/H.R. 5030) would reduce barriers to trial enrollment by allowing patients to receive financial support for ancillary costs related to trial participation, including transportation, lodging, and childcare. Among other provisions, it would also allow trial sponsors to provide patients with free digital health technology to facilitate remote participation without violating the Antikickback Statute.
“Non-medical costs can be quite substantial for those who must travel to distant trial sites or when frequent visits are required for treatment and monitoring,” said Rachel Miller-Garcia, a patient advocate and ovarian cancer survivor. “The DIVERSE Trials Act would go a long way toward breaking down barriers to trial enrollment and help ensure that clinical trial enrollment reflects the diversity of the patient population,” she added.
This legislation aligns with SGO’s core values, that all patients, regardless of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or payer status, have equal opportunity to access the benefits of clinical trials, including improved survival and quality of life.
Continuing the Conversation
As the 117th Congress wraps up with a lame-duck session on the horizon, SGO and its government relations team, CRD Associates, will continue to work with champions on the Hill in hopes of pushing these bills through before the end of the year. In addition, SGO is also preparing to launch a grassroots advocacy campaign at the start of the new year as the Fiscal Year 2024 appropriations process begins. Stay tuned for more information about these efforts and how you can contribute in the coming months.
For questions, please contact Katie Martino, SGO’s Manager of Governance and Clinical Practice.
View photos from this year’s fly-in day below: