The Society of Gynecologic Oncology (SGO) Fellowship Program Directors Network comprises Program Directors and Associate Program Directors from Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Programs accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).
This network offers resources to strengthen, improve and standardize gynecologic oncology fellowships programs nationwide. The Co-Chairs of the Program Directors Network are Bunja Rungruang, MD and J. Stuart Ferriss, MD. If you have any questions about the Program Directors Network, please reach out to the SGO staff liaison Traci Schwendner.
Standard Letter of Evaluation (SLOE) Toolkit
New 2025 SLOE forms are now available! SGO will share the new PDFs and updated toolkit within the Program Directors Network soon.
Standardized Gyn Onc SLOE include notable accomplishments, procedural skills, patient care and summary statements.
Standardized PD/Supervisor SLOE include notable accomplishments, communication skills, leadership and teamwork observations, teaching skills and commitment to personal growth, and summary statements.
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Resident Awards
The Outstanding Resident in Gynecologic Oncology Award is for a single resident at each OBGYN program who best exemplifies the qualities of the mission and vision of SGO. The post graduate year (PGY) level of the recipient may be chosen by each individual program but should be consistent from year to year. The selected resident will receive a certificate and lapel pin for you to present internally at the end of your academic year. Nomination submissions are due on Friday, April 4, 2025.
Please contact Katie Martino with any questions you may have.