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The issues concerning SGO’s members span many spheres, including surgery, medical and radiation oncology, ob-gyn, physician reimbursement, quality care, and global public health. Therefore, SGO partners with other organizations in these areas to give our members a stronger voice in the policymaking process. Similarly, SGO is also an active participant in several healthcare coalitions to help advance our advocacy efforts on the Hill.

Interested in partnering with SGO on an issue of common interest? Contact Erika Miller, JD, at emiller@dc-crd.com.


SGO strongly supports the following principles be adhered to by any U.S. health care reform policy:

  • Access to high quality, affordable care for all women with gynecologic cancer.
  • Coverage of patient costs of clinical trial participation by all private and public health insurance plans.
  • Public health funding for gynecologic cancer screening and prevention services for all women and children.
  • Medical liability reform that improves patient access to specialty care and reduces health care costs.
  • Cancer health equity for minority and under-served women with gynecologic cancer.
  • Adequate funding of Medicaid to ensure coverage for elderly, disabled and low-income women with gynecologic cancer.

Effective July 25, 2017

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