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Program for Researchers in Obstetrics, Gynecology and REproductive ScienceS (PROGRESS) Course

With rising maternal morbidity and mortality rates, increasing rates of chronic debilitating conditions in women, stagnant cervical cancer survival rates, and significant inequities in almost all outcomes by race/ethnicity, geography, and access to care, there is an urgent need to develop the current and next generations of researchers that will contribute to an understanding of, and intervene to address and positively impact, these and related issues. The current state must be changed, and progress must be made.

The PROGRESS course will establish a research foundation for early career academic obstetrician-gynecologist specialist faculty and subspecialty fellows. Additionally, it will establish an engaged network of experienced and emerging researchers that will promote, sustain, and empower course participants’ careers while furthering the health and welfare of women and gender-diverse persons cared for by obstetricians and gynecologists.

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