Equity in the workplace optimizes patient care across all aspects of medicine. Join member authors of Creating Work Environments Where People of all Genders in Gynecologic Oncology Can Thrive: An SGO evidence-based review published in Gynecologic Oncology as they discuss roads towards establishing gender-based equity with a focus on the now majority women subspecialty of gynecologic oncology.
Stephanie Blank, MD (moderator)
Eloise Chapman-Davis, MD
Jeffrey Hines, MD
Elise Kohn, MD
Sarah Temkin, MD
It is recommended to read the recently-published article, “Creating work environments where people of all genders in gynecologic oncology can thrive: An SGO evidence-based review” before the webinar. This article is available for free to all SGO members with your SGO login.
You may submit anonymous questions for the panel prior to the webinar here.