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APP R&R: Read and Relax

Aug 23, 2022 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Join members of the SGO Advanced Practice Provider (APP) Committee and other APPs from around the country for a casual conversation about a hot topic in the field of Gyn Oncology. For our inaugural session, we will discuss the recently published ATHENA trial outcomes and how our practices are currently utilizing PARP inhibitors. The virtual discussion will be led by a few members of the APP Committee, but interaction and participation are encouraged.

Please take a few minutes to read the article below before joining the session.

The APP R&R: Relax and Read series was developed by the SGO APP Committee and is meant to be an informal opportunity for APPs and other allied health professionals to get together virtually to connect, discuss a piece of literature (journal article, book, etc.) each quarter, and learn from one another in a casual, relaxed environment. Topics of articles and books will fluctuate, but would include gyn onc patient care, wellness, professional development and even fun, non-work–related topics.

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