SGO Announces LEAD Pipeline Program | Charlotte Gamble, MD, and Margaret Liotta, MD

Charlotte Gamble, MD

Margaret Liotta, MD
We are excited to announce the initiation of SGO’s LEAD (Leadership, Engagement, and Action in Diversity)-Pipeline Program — a formalized pipeline program to build greater diversity within the gynecologic oncology community, specifically directed to trainees from groups historically minoritized in medicine. One early step in this process is the promotion of already-existing funded sub-internships for students and residents interested in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Gynecologic Oncology.
According to the SGO State of the Society document published in 2020, only 4% of the gynecologic oncology physician workforce (21 individuals out of 557 survey respondents) identified as Black or African American. Six percent (25 individuals) identified as Hispanic, and one identified as American Indian/Native American. These data show our society has a long way to go in meeting our own strategic mission and vision to diversify the workforce of gynecologic oncologists. Early exposure to our subspecialty through the electives listed below, will spark interest in the field, preparing students for competitive training programs, successful residency and fellowship matches, and fulfilling careers caring for patients with gynecologic cancers.
The SGO Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity Committee is promoting such programming with a goal of enriching and supporting the pipeline of trainees with an interest in gynecologic oncology, who will become competitive OBGYN residents and future gynecologic oncology fellows and leaders. We have created an online resource allowing students and residents to find electives at institutions and departments that support trainees of color and recognize the importance of diversifying the field of OB/GYN and gynecologic oncology.
Below, please find a list of programs at institutions across the United States that have committed to funding and supporting trainees from historically underrepresented backgrounds to rotate through various clinical electives. We will continuously update as new opportunities are established.
AWAY ROTATIONS FOR Underrepresented in Medicine (URiM) TRAINEES
Let us know if you or your institution have a program that is not listed here. Please share in your network and spread the word to encourage all those eligible to apply. We would love to see the OB/GYN department-lead initiatives in the space grow. If you are interested in building an opportunity at your institution, please contact
In Solidarity,
Dr. Gamble and Dr. Liotta on behalf of the SGO LEAD-Pipeline Program Team
Dr. Charlotte Gamble is a Clinical Instructor at Georgetown University School of Medicine, and staff physician at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC. She is a member of the Georgetown Cancer Prevention and Control Program and is on the steering group of the Endometrial Cancer Action Network for African Americans (ECANA). Her research examines the relationship between neighborhood vulnerability and endometrial cancer outcomes.
Dr. Margaret Liotta is an Associate Professor at Loyola University Medical Center. She serves as Division Director of Gynecologic Oncology and the Medical Director of the Oncology floor. Dr. Liotta’s research focus includes clinical trials for recurrent ovarian cancer with an emphasis on enrolling underrepresented minorities.