APP Corner: Member Feature Q&A with Nora Lersch, DNP, FNP-BC, AOCN

Nora Lersch, DNP, FNP-BC, AOCNP
Nora Lersch, DNP, FNP-BC, AOCNP, lives and works in Portland, OR, with the Providence Cancer Institute. After working for fifteen years in primary care with a large focus on women’s health, Nora started working in gynecologic oncology and breast cancer care (her attending had dual certification) in 2009 at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, PA.
Nora also serves as the Associate Member Representative on the SGO Board of Directors, and she will give a talk on sexual health clinics at the SGO 2024 Allied Health Professionals Meeting. Nora has been married for 32 years and has two grown children and one dog, Dioji. Nora hopes to travel to Ireland one day, enjoys sailing and reading, and she is learning to knit.
SGO invited Nora to share more of her perspective on being an Advanced Practice Provider (APP) member of SGO and her experience in leadership in the following Q&A.
What is your practice setting and typical patient population?
I work in a community-based hospital practice with a large research component.
How many patients do you see on an average day?
About 10.
When did you get involved with SGO and how did you become aware of the organization?
I joined in 2018. Karen Lyle, PA-C, who I worked with at UPMC, was involved and encouraged me to join.
What value do you get from being an SGO member and engaging as a volunteer?
Growth and learning. The board members all bring such a wealth of knowledge and a passion to improve patient care it is humbling and extremely rewarding.
What do you think about the updates to the Associate Representative position on the board, specifically that this position is now a voting member and now serves a 3-year term (instead of one)?
Kudos to my predecessor, Evonne Kandas, NP, for advocating for these changes. This will enable better representation of the associate members in critical issues affecting the SGO and provide the time for the member to learn the position and provide important feedback and participation.
What are you hoping to learn and/or accomplish during your board term?
To gain a better understanding of the culture of the organization and to help the SGO to ensure advanced practice providers are successfully prepared and positioned to improve patient care and continue to grow in their professional endeavors.
If you were a new APP working in gynecologic oncology, what value or resources do you think SGO offers that would be useful?
Collegiality is such a benefit of being a member. APP Journal Club, the APP R&R: Read and Relax series, and the Allied Health Meeting are great opportunities to meet other APPs in gynecologic oncology and collaborate and learn from each other.
What do you do to unwind or decompress after a long day of work?
I enjoy walking our dog with my husband.
What are some of your hobbies?
I like to sail, read and am slowly trying to learn to knit.
Anything else you want to share?
A big thank you to all the gynecological oncologists and APPs who have taught me so much over the years