Call to Action: Ask Your Representative to Support Ovarian and Endometrial Cancer Research Funding
The Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 appropriations process is underway and the U.S. House of Representatives is beginning its work on drafting the FY 2024 appropriations bills, including the bill that funds the Department of Defense (DoD) Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP). SGO is excited to continue advocating for increased funding for endometrial and ovarian cancer research at the DoD and pleased to continue working with our champions on the Hill to increase support for these programs.
SGO members interested in supporting these efforts are invited to take action and get as many members of the House to sign onto two Dear Colleague letters in support of these requests.
1. Urge your Member of Congress to sign the Dear Colleague letter in support of the creation of a separate line-item for an Endometrial Cancer Research Program with $10 million in initial appropriations. A program devoted solely to endometrial cancer research will sharpen the focus on this lethal disease and enable the pursuit of ground-breaking research on critical knowledge gaps that will lead to improved endometrial cancer detection, prevention, treatment, and survival rates. The deadline for members to sign on is March 27.
2. Urge your member of Congress to sign the Dear Colleague letter in support of $50 million, a $5 million increase, in funding for the Ovarian Cancer Research Program. An increase in funding will help the program keep up with medical inflation, continue to support high quality research, and advance discovery. The deadline for members to sign on is March 17.
Should you have any questions about these initiatives, please contact Erika Miller, JD. Thank you for your interest in enhancing endometrial and ovarian cancer research to improve outcomes for patients impacted by these diseases!